On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Calle 31 Bis: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Calle 31 Bis Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping variety store - 239m - Carrera 7, 31-31 660002 Pereira variety store - 306mVariedades La Campana Carrera 7, 32-35 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3369410, +57 606 3267713 variety store - 396m - Carrera 8 660002 Pereira variety store - 280mJ.J. Carrera 7, 32-21 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 329 4004, +57 606 329 4097, +57 311 3381927 variety store - 373mRimax Carrera 8, 31-69 660002 Pereira variety store - 346mVariedades Perfumeria Sene Carrera 8, 31-68 660002 Pereira variety store - 278mVariedades Junior Calle 29 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3404863, +57 319 2481326 Bakery - 242m - Carrera 7, 29-24 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 321 8248856 Bakery - 273mLa Duquesa Carrera 7, 31-63 660002 Pereira Bakery - 268m - Carrera 8, 29-64 660002 Pereira Bakery - 259mPastel Pan Postería Carrera 7, 29-24 660002 Pereira Bakery - 288mPanadería delicias de la 7a Carrera 7, #3-729 660002 Pereira Bakery - 357mRicuras Marcelino Carrera 7, 7-18 Pereira Shop - 123mSocoda Carrera 7, 30-24 660002 Pereira Shop - 328mChiki Lu Carrera 8, 29-34 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 2233040 Shop - 323mCentro Cerámicas Pereira Alfa Calle 33, 6-59 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 336 8496 Shop - 309mExpolosa S.A.S Carrera 7, 32-54 660002 Pereira Shop - 301mAmbientes y Estilos Cerámicos Carrera 7, #32-46 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3449323, +57 310 4576525 Shop - 288mMultipega Pegante Cerámico Carrera 7, 32-32 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 2143545 Shop - 284mLa Vaquita Carrera 7, 32-32 660002 Pereira Shop - 274mInnovaceramica Pereira Carrera 7, #32-46 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 314 6063920 Shop - 310mMundo Cerámica la Septima Carrera 7, 32-35 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 7000433 Shop - 291mErreléctricos La 7a Calle 32 Phone: +57 606 3349613, +57 314 6319635 Shop - 327mCorona Calle 33, 32-64 660002 Pereira Shop - 305mMicro Taximetros Edicar Calle 33, 6-24 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 329 2397, +57 315 3227979 Email: edicarcas@gmail.com;info@microedicar.com.co Shop - 316mNutriAven Carrera 8, 31-21 660002 Pereira Shop - 311mApostar Carrera 8, 31-24 660002 Pereira Shop - 308m - Carrera 8, 31-24 660002 Pereira Shop - 268mVidriaceros Famy Carrera 7, 32-12 Pereira Phone: +57 311 6203966, +57 320 7883811 Email: vidriacerosfamy@gmail.com Shop - 253mF.D.S Carrera 8, 30-52 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3444123, +57 311 7550055 Shop - 131mCerámicas H&L Carrera 7, 30-24 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3469006, +57 321 7155961 Shop - 183mCompraventa La 30 Carrera 7, 29-70 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 3969854, +57 036 3207738 Shop - 224mDistribuciones Pinviarcil Carrera 7, 29-60 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 316 5278, +57 316 5279 Shop - 220mHuevos y Lacteos Kennedy Megabus, 24-49 Shop - 225mLacteos Kennedy Carrera 7, 24-49 660002 Pereira Shop - 308mLuna Verde Carrera 8 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 3261408 Shop - 240mPitufitos Carrera 8, 30-32 660002 Pereira Shop - 291mLos Secretos de la Abuela Carrera 8, 29-64 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3441012, +57 313 2642504 Shop - 352mACB Aluminios Credi Hogar Carrera 8, 7B-27 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 320 6448224, +57 313 7193351 Shop - 246mVariedades y Promociones Francy Carrera 7, 29-24 660002 Pereira Shop - 346mMaxCerámica Carrera 7, 6-60 660002 Pereira Shop - 296mFerre Hogar Carrera 7, #3-729 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 319 2481326, +57 313 7336199, +57 606 3404863 Shop - 313mVariedades Infantiles Laurita Carrera 7, 28-58 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 7914491 Shop - 343m - Carrera 7, 28-48 660002 Pereira Shop - 348mD'abija Carrera 7, 28-28 660002 Pereira Shop - 365mFerretería La Universal Carrera 7, 28-26 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 316 7894, +57 316 7876, +57 327 1773, +57 311 6164983, +57 310 7321594 Shop - 346mCA CrediAluminios LTDA Carrera 7, 32-37 Pereira Phone: +57 606 329 3715, +57 313 7197145 Todo en aluminio, arquitectónico para su vivienda. Shop - 318mNatural x Siempre Carrera 7, 28-67 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 6759769 Shop - 353mLa Sabrosita Carrera 7, 28-33 660002 Pereira Shop - 348m - Carrera 8, 29-11 660002 Pereira Shop - 394mCuimicasa Calle 28, 28-01 660002 Pereira Shop - 338mBomberos Pereira Calle 33, Carrer 6 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 660 331 2897, +57 606 331 2846 +57 606 331 2905 Clothes shop - 137mEl Ropero Carrera 7, 30-48 660002 Pereira Clothes shop - 286mPersonalizados Camisetas, Busos, Borras, Mugs, y mucho mas Carrera 8, Local N-26 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 2989355, +57 313 642315 Clothes shop - 274mAmerican Time Carrera 8, L-160 Pereira Clothes shop - 333mJ'sport Ropa deportiva Carrera 8, 31-23 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 318 8877926, +57 321 6783342 Email: jsport40@hotmail.com Clothes shop - 249mEstilo Urbano Carrera 8, 30-40 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 8065297, +57 311 3099046 beds shop - 229mDormilon Carrera 8, 30-32 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3290441 beds shop - 315mThe Mattress House Carrera 8, 29-55 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 329 7433222 beds shop - 254mEl Rey Carrera 8, 30-12 660002 Pereira beds shop - 399mIndustrias Dulces Sueños Carrera 7, 27-72 660002 Pereira beds shop - 341mColchones D'la Puente Carrera 8, 29-20 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 2063566, +57 314 8424426 beds shop - 390mZafiro Carrera 7, 27-72 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 3632653, +57 320 5013468 beds shop - 383mAmbar Calle 28, 28-11 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3265589, +57 311 6491140, +57 313 6356023 Electronics - 238mVideojuegos y Celulares Carrera 8, 30-12 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 321 5659699, +57 314 8497855 Electronics - 329mCelulares A&J Carrera 8, 31-38 660002 Pereira Electronics - 278mComercializadora La Pipa Electrodomesticos Carrera 8, L-160 660002 Pereira Electronics - 243mPionerox del Video Juego Carrera 8, 30-12 660002 Pereira Electronics - 322mAzul Eléctronico Carrera 7, 28-58 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3364747 Electronics - 329mEcono Eléctronicos la 7a Carrera 7, 28-48 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 314 7364625 Optician - 311mUMI Salud Visual Carrera 8, 29-34 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3265795, +57 606 3265794 Supermarket - 236mAra Megabus, 24-49 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 01 800 0521888 Opening hours: Mo-Su 08:30-19:30 Mall - 371mCentro Comercial Calle Real Carrera 8, 32-04 660002 Pereira Convenience shop - 216m - Carrera 4 660002 Pereira Convenience shop - 249mD1 Carrera 7, 24-49 660002 Pereira Convenience shop - 254mFraner y Estanquillo La Campana Calle 33, 32-67 660002 Pereira Hardware Store - 228mConstruequipos JM Carrera 7, 29-60 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 314 8093540 Hardware Store - 311mFerre y Todo Calle 33, 6-59 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3168736 Hardware Store - 371mFerretería Ferretoja Carrera 8, 31-69 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3442160, +57 606 3262571 pet shop - 316mPet Market Carrera 7, 32-64 660002 Pereira Lottery - 179mApostar Calle 30, 30-15 660002 Pereira Lottery - 293mApostar Carrera 7, 32-41 660002 Pereira Chemist - 252mDroguería Salud Drogas Amiga S.A.S Carrera 7, 29-24 660002 Pereira Chemist - 264mDroguería Salufarma Calle 32, 32-12 660002 Pereira Chemist - 276mDroguería San Camilo La 33 Calle 33, 33-23 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 320 2437 Chemist - 337mDroguería San Carlos Calle 33, 33-92 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 336 5335, +57 606 336 5334 Chemist - 290mLa Rebaja Carrera 8, 29-60 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 162mBarberia LK Calle 30, 30-17 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 319mPeluquería Estética Belleza Glamour Calle 33, 6-60 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 320 683 1623, +57 606 338 7539 Hairdresser - 339mPeluquería Miller Carrera 8, 31-46 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 321 7264762 Hairdresser - 310m - Carrera 8, 31-24 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 175mPremium Barber's Calle 30, 30-15 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 326mMora Stiles Carrera 8, 31-13 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 232mBarberia Club Victor Carrera 7, 29-60 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 338mBarber Art Carrera 7, 28-48 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 348mFashion Urbano Carrera 8, 29-20 660002 Pereira Hairdresser - 255mBarber Life Style Carrera 6, 33-23 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 6412686 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-20:00 tailor - 322mSastería Casa Ratfer Carrera 8, 31-32 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 4441597 Shoes - 270m31 Ropa & Accesorios Calle 31, 30-66 Pereira Shoes - 359mCalzado Gavias Carrera 7, 28-28 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3368037, +57 302 3864810 beauty shop - 263mDaniel Cejas Carrera 8, 30-66 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 4643092, +57 317 7265213 beauty shop - 343m - Carrera 8, 31-68 660002 Pereira Bicycles - 478mJ&C Taller de Bicicletas Carrera 8, 33-10 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 8665370 erotic shop - 258mParaiso Erótico Carrera 8, 30-66 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 6998214 paint shop - 161mPinturas Tatán Calle 30, 30-39 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 8011438 paint shop - 265mFerripinturas Carrera 7, 31-63 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3265832 paint shop - 219mFerrelectricos La 31 Calle 31, #31-13 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3362172, +57 314 7203940 paint shop - 183mNova Calle 30, 30-15 660002 Pereira paint shop - 308mMi Rey Carrera 7, 28-58 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3261202 paint shop - 317mPintugarcia Carrera 7, 28-58 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3292831 paint shop - 356mFerrería Arco Iris Carrera 7, 28-28 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3294944, +57 606 3296934 paint shop - 395mAngel Color Carrera 7, 27-72 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 316 4060583 paint shop - 378mElmo Carrera 6 660002 Pereira interior decoration - 186mModulos Integrales Calle 30, 30-62 660002 Pereira interior decoration - 262mDecorar Carrera 7, 31-63 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3293501, +57 312 8501987 interior decoration - 252mDecorHome Carrera 7, #31-49 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 6275455 interior decoration - 244mCentral Cerámico Carrera 7, #31-49 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 4581257, +57 315 5098161, +57 606 3445088 interior decoration - 231mCocinas Integrales Spacio & Decoración Calle 31, 31-31 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 336 5484 interior decoration - 225mCielos y Pisos DekoMart Carrera 7, #31-55 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 313 3183204, +57 317 3439005, +57 305 4443812 interior decoration - 193mMM Spacio Cerámico Calle 31, 30-69 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3132954 interior decoration - 190mCocinas Integrales Calle 30, 30-69 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 320 5530030, +57 606 3488031 Gifts shop - 216mOlafo La 31 Calle 31, #31-13 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3441879, +57 313 5180890, +57 317 3006281 motorcycle shop - 206mCredi Motos del Cafe Carrera 7, 29-70 660002 Pereira Furniture - 213mAmbientes y Muebles Pereira Carrera 7, 29-60 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 301 5929677, +57 314 8632324 Furniture - 233mMuebles Suarez Carrera 8, 30-12 660002 Pereira Butchery - 204mCarnicería de La 7a Carrera 7 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3291700, +57 314 2144184 Butchery - 255mCabeza y Cola Carne Carrera 7, 29-24 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3367018 Butchery - 308mDistribuidora de Carnes Blaca y Roja No 3 Calle 29, 28-67 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3159565, +57 310 5982103 Butchery - 373mSurticarnes La 8va Carrera 8, 29-11 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3212284, +57 606 3153871, +57 313 5453262 pawnbroker - 210mCompraventa San Antonio Carrera 7 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3368822, +57 311 7286033, +57 310 5319158 pawnbroker - 290mStandard Compraventa Calle 29, #3-729 660002 Pereira bags shop - 338m - Carrera 8, 31-31 660002 Pereira Alcohol - 228mCandy Store Carrera 8, 30-12 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 321 7345341 Grocery - 348mPuesto de Frutas Calle 32, 32-04 660002 Pereira Opening hours: 24/7 Tyres - 593mChucho y M... Carrera 8, 34-37 Jewelry - 442mEl Gran Brillante Carrera 7, 27-24 660002 Pereira copyshop - 587mServi-Offic Carrera 7, 26-09 660002 Pereira Mobile Phones - 569mClaro Celu Max Carrera 7, 26-34 660002 Pereira Florist - 212m - Calle 32 660002 Pereira musical instruments - 594mTienda 440 Musical Carrera 8 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3261217, +57 322 5880977Eating and Drinking Restaurant - 128mNilos Carrera 7, 30-48 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 266mLa Fábula Carrera 8, 30-66 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 241mUmomi Calle 30 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 208mMac Pollo Calle 31, #31-03 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 159mDon Pollo Calle 30, 30-35 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 505 3261004 Restaurant - 196mLa Septima Carrera 7, 29-70 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 292mCharve Carrera 8, 29-60 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3261331 Restaurant - 353mPekin Carrera 7, 28-28 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3295000, +57 606 3296000, +57 606 329 4369 Restaurant - 248mMatecaña Restaurante Calle 33, 33-23 660002 Pereira Restaurant - 298mLa Tía Carrera 6 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 321 7895251 Opening hours: Mo-Su 6:00-18:30 Fast food - 255mVitaminaz la 31 Calle 32 660002 Pereira Fast food - 345mMini Market Zumo de Limon Carrera 8, 29-11 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 312 8184734, +57 311 7982345 Fast food - 288m - Carrera 6 660002 Pereira Fast food - 317mCafetería Punto del Buen Sabor Carrera 7, 28-67 660002 Pereira Bar - 280mRincon Porterio Carrera 8, 29-64 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3360252 Bar - 387mEl Viejo Rubinete Carrera 8, 27-75 660002 Pereira Bar - 332m - Carrera 8, 29-34 660002 Pereira Bar - 348mSan Gregorio Carrera 5 660001 Pereira Cafe - 102mCafetería Kronos Calle 30, 6-42 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 4897281 Email: ivanchore@gmail.com Opening hours: Mo-FrOther shop-lighting - 295mEnergy LED Carrera 8, Local N-26 660002 Pereira Waste Basket - 219m - Megabus, 24-49 Waste Basket - 334m - Carrera 8, 29-34 Waste Basket - 255m - Carrera 8, 30-32 Waste Basket - 307m - Carrera 7, #3-729 Waste Basket - 355m - Carrera 8, 29-20 shop-perfumery - 281mLa Casa del Perfume Carrera 8, L-160 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 311 5485686 office-telecommunication - 371mRed Link Comminications S.A.S Carrera 8, 32-04 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3147574, +57 321 5000959 Email: soporte@redlinkcom.com;servicioalcliente@redlinkcom.com;cartera@redlinkcom.com;gerencia@redlinkcom.com office-telecommunication - 383mDomoRedes Tecnologia y Comunicaciones Carrera 8, 32-04 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 300 7639550, +57 321 7179978 Email: cargi277_@hotmail.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00, Sa 08:00-12:00 shop-glass - 460mAceros Aluminios y Vidrios Carrera 8, 33-10 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 314 7544949 shop-hairdresser;beauty - 318mPeluquería Ruly Carrera 7, 32-35 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 311 6193134, +57 606 3367271 shop-acrilic - 300mAcrilicos Pereira Calle 33, 6-49 660002 Pereira shop-ceramics - 287mInnovaCeramica Pereira Bodega Calle 33, 6-39 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 329 1228 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:30, Sa-Su 14:00-18:00 Ice Cream - 276m - Calle 33, 6-39 660002 Pereira Hogar vende helados de coco y mango biche. office-guide - 314mAlcón Tours Carrera 8, 31-24 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 311 7094326, +57 311 7094326 shop-motorcycle_parts - 398mAuteco Bajaj Carrera 8, 32-25 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 310 3831025 educational institution offices - 117mSan Vicente Hogar Calle 30 Bis, 6-19 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3448448, +57 315 8792722 Email: rectoria@sanvicentehogarpereira.edu.co educational institution offices - 175mColegio Adoratrices Carrera 7, #31-36 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3265314, +57 315 5811325 Email: info@adoratricespereira.edu.co educational institution offices - 374mEscuela de Joyería Alquimía Calle 28, 28-33 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 311 6356821 shop-games - 219mEl Basil Carrera 7, 29-60 660002 Pereira shop-nutrition_supplements - 251mSu Alivio Natural Carrera 8, 30-52 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 305 4209867 shop-nutrition_supplements - 304mVida y Naturaleza Carrera 7, 28-58 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 305 3209531 shop-shoe_repair - 434mCalzado Ema Carrera 8 660002 Pereira office-company - 343m - Calle 32, 7B-27 Pereira Social Facility - 410mNarcoticos Anonimos Grupo Nuevo Amaneger Pereira Carrera 8, 32-14 660002 Pereira events_venue - 428mSabores Gourmet Carrera 8 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 301 5719128, +57 606 3368914 office-yes - 560mJiménez & Peadomo Carrera 8, 34-38 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 311 3712268, +57 314 6021127 shop-eggs - 501mNiko Huevos Pollos Carrera 7 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3362585, +57 606 3265607 Motorcycle repair - 459mGames Motos Carrera 8 Pereira Phone: +57 314 7388144, +57 316 2796530 shop-health_food - 281m - Calle 29 660002 Pereira shop-honey - 545mProductos Nec Carrera 7, #26-36 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 3271229, +57 311 3835350 office-association - 302mArenas Consultoría Carrera 8, 29 57 Pereira "Gestión Administrativa" office-association - 333mFundacion San Ezequiel Moreno Carrera 7, 28-48 660002 Pereira office-advertising_agency - 397mPublicidad Petos Carrera 7 Bis 660002 Pereira Phone: +57 606 336 3597, +57 312 255 3316 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Calle 31 Bis